Frequently Asked Questions
What's the difference between a bookkeeper and an accountant?
Bookkeepers work on day to day details within a business by coding the transactions into the categories that make up your financial reports. But it is more than just data entry, it is about keeping the accounts up to a high standard of accuracy to ensure they meet an entity's compliance requirements with the ATO, Fair Work, and other governing bodies. Bookkeeper's who liaise with the ATO on an entity's behalf are now required to hold a licence issued by the Tax Practitioners Board. The licence shows they are qualified as a BAS Agent.
Accountants take more of a big picture view of a business. They give advice on tax management, financial structures and review the business accounts much less frequently - often on an annual basis. They will use the information entered in the accounts to file tax returns and the like.
Why use a bookkeeper?
Bookkeepers offer vital business services and save you time by handling the daily financial work, allowing you to concentrate on running your business. Once they're familiar with your financial records, they'll be well placed to answer questions about where the money in your business is coming from, were it is going, planning for cashflow issues or late payments of your invoices.
At Easy Books for Better Business, we can do all of this and help you meet your BAS and employer obligations such as GST, PAYG, superannuation and payroll reporting.
How much does it cost?
At Easy Books for Better Business, we tailor our bookkeeping services to suit your needs. A number of factors go into how we work out our bookkeeping rates including:
the size of your organisation,
the type of industry you’re in and its compliance requirements,
how many staff you have,
is your file existing and up to date, or in need of repair works.
Further, you might be looking to do some of the work yourself - all of these matters must be taken into account before Easy Books can confirm a rate for your works. Please feel free to call or make a booking to discuss your entity's needs.
Why choose Easy Books for Better Business?
We can provide all of your bookkeeping and BAS Agent needs such as regular Activity Statements, Payroll and STP compliance, WET compliance, together with all of your end of year reporting on GST, payroll, TPAR etc. Being up to date with your accounts will help your business run smoothly from week to week, month to month and year to year.
Further, as a sole practitioner firm, you know that when you call Easy Books, you'll talk with the same person every time. Linda will be familiar with your file, your business and ready to assist with your concerns.