Our bookkeeping services
Easy Books for Better Business is managed by Linda Koutsos. You will always receive personalised service and can rest assured knowing that when you contact us, you'll be talking to a person who is familiar with your business.
Easy Books services a broad range of clients and industries from healthcare and professional services, to artists, retailers and pet groomers. Our services include:
General business bookkeeping
Accounts receivable
Accounts payable
Payroll services including:
Single Touch Payroll compliance
Superannuation administration and compliance
Workers Compensation renewal reporting etc
ATO compliance and reporting including
Business Activity Statements
Instalment Activity Statements
Wine Equalisation Tax (WET)
Taxable Payments Annual Reports etc
Regular customised financial reporting
Year end compliance
Fair Work compliance
Xero training
e-Commerce integration etc
Our reach
While we are based on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, with the conveniences of today's technology, Easy Books are able to offer our services to all small businesses across New South Wales.
BAS Agent Affiliations
Registered BAS Agent with the Tax Practitioners Board # 21938015
Member in Practice with the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers #420863
Xero Silver Champion
Partner Certification with Hubdoc